Monday, November 28, 2011

you'd think

You would think they would just talk to each other and save the price of a call......

Friday, November 25, 2011

carried away

someone got a little carried away with the floor cleaning today..............

Monday, November 21, 2011

Flat Earth Society has in depth discussion

It got a little messy at coffee break today...a bit of extra cleanup as we exited our daily discussion group....but as usual a good time was had by all.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Fishing and Hunting in Chilliwack

Here is a photo I took this fall of Kim...a lover of outdoor sports especially fishing and hunting she is seen water skiing on a single ski at the mouth of the Harrison river where it meets the Fraser was a fair days as she is holding a Steelhead trout and a Mallard duck that she shot...well... not the Steelhead .....Kim caught that on a hook and line...sometimes she juggles, but not today cuz she has to hold the duck. 

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Friday, November 18, 2011

Chilliwack Chiefs....

Last Night John and I went to the local Hockey game...I was fortunate enough to be given a ticket from friend Bob who could not attend....My first game this year and we had a great time...The Chiefs won thier 5th game in a row....I can see where this may become habit forming.....surprising drive home when a short snowfall was so thick it was difficult driving...anyway the snow melted pretty well over night ...looks like winter is on us....very damp cold.....

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

this one's a fighter

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

Broadway crossing

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Sunday, May 22, 2011


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This was taken a few years ago when a UFO hovered just above our back yard....We never did figure out what was sucking all the water from our fish pond....They vanished as quickly as they came one believes me even though this picture is evidence. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


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Monday, May 16, 2011


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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dry River

looking through some of my old pictures ...I dug this "dry river" snap out.....A few years ago there was a bit of a drought maybe...some local conservationists are  relocating the Salmon and  Steelhead to safer waters.

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This is the rainy season

This picture is one I ran across while cruising on Google was taken at Turks and Caicos Islands....I just thought it was a neat picture....yup

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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last of the season

It is pretty well the end of Steelhead season now maybe..but not before this fine fish is is a little larger than the average Vedder steelhead but still a nice fish to take to the fying pan .... A happy fisherman is seen marking his punch card with the last one of the season..his pals are taking a photo and holding his coat. 

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Saturday, May 7, 2011

survival suit for sale

size medium ....                                        .this is a true story

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craigslist under sportingoods

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lickman Rd Bridge

Its great to see a bridge has been constructed at Lickman Road maybe to help distribute the many Fishermen now using the Vedder River.

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hey ...the Canucks won tonight...another scary one

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chilliwack too

          Here are a couple of pictures I took a fancy tricks this time.....well not many..I took some clutter out of the tree background...if you look close you will see the repeats (cloning brush)

         The first is from a few weeks ago. We took a drive to Agassiz and this blossom tree was shining like a light on a old property on one of the back roads.

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          This next one I found while surfing ...I thought it is one of the best Steelhead release pictures I have ever seen.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Vedder River Air Lift

        What a great idea...with the heavy fishing pressure and all an easy access lift could be  installed as part of the trail runs between 9 am and 5 pm daily except Sundays and Holidays. That makes sense , just like the lift itself..........maybe more hours will be added if it is successful  maybe. It is amazing the things they are coming out with these days.....

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                                              Coffee and cookies are available at the leaning  tower maybe.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vedder River Chilliwack BC

Recently the Vedder river has been getting lower than usual...the problem was narrowed to a hole the Lickman Road......It has been a problem for DFO to figure out how to get the migrating Salmon and Steelhead safley through the system maybe. It is hoped the hole will fill in soon and the river returns to its regular route as right now it is confusing to know where it goes...They will be watching closley to scoop any new fish out and help them on their annual run....maybe.

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There are people out there that will not believe this..............

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cuktus Lake Sturgeon

Last Friday Jim and I went fishing at Cultus Lake ...It was a great day for a change as it has been a brutal spring in the Chilliwack area this year.Yup the chirdies were burpin and all like that...what a great day to maybe catch some nice cuthroat trout...well as it turned out we were pretty well skunked on the cutthroat bit, but  we did manage this one old's probably over a hundred years old , I'm not sure if I want to eat what it has been eating for the last hundred years ...and anyway we were informed we could not keep it anyway...they are;s just as well cuz we didn't want to clean it anyway. Oh well it was a great day to be out maybe.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sardis Park Chilliwack, B.C.

   At one time Sardis Park was a fine producing Gravel Pit situated on land that was released from the ALR (Agriculture Land Reserve)...I think that was in the Sixties and early the area grew and Sardis became a popular area to have a home, the pit full of water was developed in to a fine park with choice housing in and about has become home to many species of water birds ,Trout, Catfish and Turtles etc. 

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vedder River Access

   maybe     Volunteers have constructed a trail system on the Vedder River to help distribute the many sports fishers that are using the system at this time. It has been accepted positively by the newer anglers, but the old timers have not been warm to the idea. 

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This article has not been confirmed ....there is a possibility that it is not true at all...the author has been known to stretch the truth on this blog.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Scenic route to Cultus Lake

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Friday, April 15, 2011

Chilliwack train

Every day the 12:30pm  train toots through'd think after all these years....the wait is bad enough but the bumps....well that just rattles yer socks...and the coal dust just gets on everything....and when it rains it smears gooey black stuff all over the's enough to make you downright put off.

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original blob at

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Old International

I was out driving in East Chilliwack when I spotted this cool old International.... a farmer with a sense of nostaliga has it parked at the side of his place....I thought it would make a great project to fix up with my computer .....

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Below is the old can after it has been run through a neat program that I have...

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yes it took a long time....


Monday, April 11, 2011

Vedder River Chilliwack, B.C.

A nice quiet relaxing day Steelhead fishing on the Vedder river.

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Sombody must have got a bite..."darn Cell Phones" .

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday, April 7, 2011

a little ruff

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Last time out on Kawkawa Lake this fine Chilliwack Fisher encountered some rather rough Spring weather

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Chilliwack Fishing Pictures

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The bite is on

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Average day in the fall on the Vedder River

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Great fishing hole on Chilliwack Lake

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In a hurry to get there

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Hope Slough on a windy day

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This enthusiastic Flat Earther  likes to get right down to the fish


Monday, April 4, 2011

Poker Dogs

Flat Earthers take on local poker pros

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contact gus at

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Cultus Lake Fun

New attractions at Cultus Lake are expected to create lots of interest in the summer holiday season..

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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hope River Maybe

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Chilliwack's Hope River has been rejuvinated with a new system diverting water from the Fraser River.....the old system was replaced and a water clarity aquaturbine installed to keep the system excellent run of both summer and winter run steelhead has been introduced with numbers in the thousands reported.....A couple of anglers have stopped above  the Young Road bridge to wet a line......

 contact Gus at

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Employee honored at Chilliwack Airport Cafe

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Some pros were brought in to the Chilliwack Airport Cafe to help celebrate a birthday....Employee first class Jeanine was honored with the famous classic "Happy birthday to you" Elvis and Paul were in the area and agreed to help with the event...some fine back up singers rounded out the little band that was conducted by a Flat Earth Member of high rank
There are some that will think this is not true...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flat Earth Outing

Wow ..Spring has sprung....the good weather prompted these fine members of Chilliwack Airport Flat Earth Society to go for a hike and a picnic into our local hillsides...This snap is taken on the top of Cheam Mountain...we had just arrived and set up the barbeque....we later cooked up a fine salmon that our sr. member had caught that morning. We were visited by a jr. member in his speedy aircraft....I reckon he was checking to see if we made it okay....The outing went very smoothly although the barbeque was a little awkward to transport. 

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Visit Wellington Pier in Chilliwack

Explore the area....Fun for all at Wellington Pier...Recently a portion the Fraser river was diverted  to build the new tourist attraction...Enjoy the outdoors....Boats for hire...Great fishing at our doorstep..Swimming in season ...Annual shark derby....or just observe the wildlife where moose roam and bears chase the multitude of spawning salmon.

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 contact Gus at

Friday, March 25, 2011

Noon boat from New Westminister

I went out to the Vedder River yesterday to see how the fishing was ...there were a few Steelheaders out enjoying the nice spring weather...I just happened to be at the bridge when the noon paddle wheeler came in to drop off supplies for the local is always an enjoyable site to see the big boat dock.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

1936 plymouth

I bought a car exactly like this in 1955...I think it cost me a hundred dollars....a 36 plymouth.... it ran fairly well but the paint was bad on it....a friendly small gas station operator donated space in his service bay after hours and with the help of some school pals we painted it primer grey and dug up some pink from somewhere for the wheels ...The paint was expensive...6 dollars a quart.... it took two quarts as I remember.....the original car was not in as bad a shape  as the one in the picture .....but the grey did it wonders and we were very proud of the results obtained with careful painting with a brush.....the flat grey paint hid all the sin .....I drove that car to school in grade 12..... yup..

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