Sunday, May 29, 2011

this one's a fighter

                                                                          click picture to enlarge

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Broadway crossing

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Sunday, May 22, 2011


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This was taken a few years ago when a UFO hovered just above our back yard....We never did figure out what was sucking all the water from our fish pond....They vanished as quickly as they came one believes me even though this picture is evidence. 

Thursday, May 19, 2011


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Monday, May 16, 2011


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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dry River

looking through some of my old pictures ...I dug this "dry river" snap out.....A few years ago there was a bit of a drought maybe...some local conservationists are  relocating the Salmon and  Steelhead to safer waters.

                                                                   clik pic to enrage

This is the rainy season

This picture is one I ran across while cruising on Google was taken at Turks and Caicos Islands....I just thought it was a neat picture....yup

                                 clik pic to enrgorge

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Last of the season

It is pretty well the end of Steelhead season now maybe..but not before this fine fish is is a little larger than the average Vedder steelhead but still a nice fish to take to the fying pan .... A happy fisherman is seen marking his punch card with the last one of the season..his pals are taking a photo and holding his coat. 

                                                  clik pix to enlarge

Saturday, May 7, 2011

survival suit for sale

size medium ....                                        .this is a true story

                                                    ckik picture to enlarge

craigslist under sportingoods

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lickman Rd Bridge

Its great to see a bridge has been constructed at Lickman Road maybe to help distribute the many Fishermen now using the Vedder River.

                          click image to enrage

hey ...the Canucks won tonight...another scary one

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Chilliwack too

          Here are a couple of pictures I took a fancy tricks this time.....well not many..I took some clutter out of the tree background...if you look close you will see the repeats (cloning brush)

         The first is from a few weeks ago. We took a drive to Agassiz and this blossom tree was shining like a light on a old property on one of the back roads.

clik picture to enlarge

          This next one I found while surfing ...I thought it is one of the best Steelhead release pictures I have ever seen.

                                    clik picture to enlarge